Monday, February 21, 2011

Quilting retreat!!!

I had a wonderful weekend - sewing, slicing and dicing blocks and otherwise making a wonderful quilty mess! Didn't work on son's quilt - though I will - but have been going full steam ahead on the Underground RR quilt! Mostly cutting - but sewing too! Did discover that I left 2 of my fabrics (which I THOUGHT - quite erroneously - were together!!!) at home. One I know what it looks like (yes, it HAS been a long time since I worked on this one!) and essentially where it is. The other one??? well, if I can't figure it out - then that calls .... for a trip to Southhampton quilts!!!! (and you can see how I suffer when I say that!!!!)

Other than that - it has been very quiet. Son's gf came over yesterday - I really REALLY like her. Of course it doesn't really matter whether or not I do - only whether or not son likes her! And I think he does! She's a very warm, caring person - who also has no problem telling N. when he's coming on a bit strong. She also volunteers to chip in and help where help is needed and continues until the job is done! All very positive things!

Other news - acc. to son - Dennis finished putting down the subfloor this past week - and apparently will be working on setting up walls, insulation and the rest of it. Who knows - I might even get back home before the end of March - although I'm not banking on it. Cabinets though won't be delivered until late Feb/first part of March = and I won't have them probably until sometime in May - however it will be nice to get back home and to my own sewing room, etc.

Still have to get my garden stuff ordered - think I will work on that tonight - I'm kind of quilted out for the moment!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Of storms and things.....

This is so weird! Last night we had a THUNDERSTORM - in February, no less!!!! Definitely didn't expect that! And Nathan's (son's) house is really neat in thunderstorms!

This morning - did my daily/weekly chores - and will be sewing most of the day. Which is great! Do miss talking with dd though! Miss that a lot!

Projects for today.... Sewing - Nathan's quilt (I am DETERMINED to finish that!), the Underground railroad quilt. Gardening - getting seed orders ready. Paperwork - processing any and all paperwork I have with me. - all of which means that this day had best be at least 2 - 3 days long! LOL

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

It's February!!!!! (Already!!!!)

Yeehaw - another snow day!!! LOVE that! However to be honest - I DID try to go into work this AM - all the way up to where I realized that while I could see the car ahead of me - the one ahead of THAT (not that far away) I could barely see the outline (yes, my eyes are bad - but not THAT bad!) and that the snow was coming down REALLY hard! Add to that roads which were slippery - and egads - NOTHING is worth braving that and taking my life in my hands! Particularly when the farther south I went - the worse it got! So I called my boss. Anyway - she relayed that they will be dismissing work early because of the weather - so I feel better about that!

Have been playing Flylady Bingo this AM - LOVE doing that - makes my daily chores go SO fast - and it's fun! 3 15-minute sessions of different chores (I draw up a list - assigning numbers - and someone calls out a number and that's my next chore) followed by a 15 minute break! Works for me!

I found out that Judy Laquidara has chosen Violet or purple for the next monochromatic color - for the month of Feb. While I have LOTS of violet - I'm not sure if I have any strings that color and I really would like to focus on strings. That being said - a particular quilt pattern I want to call Lilacs in bloom calls me - something I'm kind of creating along the way. More later on this!

She (Judy) also chose #10 for the next UFO quilt item - which for me is...My Underground Railroad - which is hilarious considering that I was contemplating doing a square in different ones of those LAST month as I worked on son's sampler - which BTW is NOT completed yet - but which I really hope will be further along this week! Hopefully even to the point where I can ship it off to Wendy - much less post pictures of it!

I may do some string blocks anyway - hmmm - last month was golds or yellow - so maybe golds and brown strings???? with either solids between the string blocks - OR set the strings up as a sort of medallion - with other things around...... hmmmm - thinking on this one! Esp since Wendy (Inky Threads) mentioned something about quilts still definitely being needed for Haiti.

More later
