Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Judy's (PWP) "Muesday"!

I am NOT in favor of getting sick, then getting UN-energized and with a holiday thrown in - because SOMETIME I have to pay the piper - and personally, I'd rather the piper was paid bit by bit than all at once!

This morning I had a dress try on.  Note to self - STOP EATING!!!!  Seriously!  While I was sick - the ONLY things that seemed to agree with me were definite carbs - of the crackers/bread variety!  That and icy fattening beverages!  Now you KNOW where this is heading don't you!  Yes - I COULD fit into the dress that was ordered - BUT - I would rather lose 5 - 10 pounds to get remotely back to where I was!!!  Provided, that is, the 5 - 10 pounds comes off where I want it to!  And not some place new and different!  And wierd!

Drive to Sturbridge and back was GORGEOUS!  Glad I went!  Although it would have been nicer if I had scheduled it on a day when Nathan and Lynn were available!

LOL _ on Nathan and Lynn - lol - he said something about finishing up things and I burst out laughing.  His comment at that point was "don't you think I will get this done pretty soon?"  Uh.... this is NOT a  question I want to answer!  And I KNOW he is busy!  However....  all that aside - I also know that he (like ....uhm....er.... me!) tends to underestimate the time something will take and overestimate his abilities to accomplish something!  I am HORRIBLE at this!  And he learned quite well!  So I REALLY hate to even consider answering his question - only now, because I TRIED unsuccessfully to evade the question, he knows....!!!!!

On the schedule – GARDEN – REPLANT those Peas, spray everything with stinky onion/garlic spray, set Pfred the big bird back up (and hope he scares the other birds away from my veggies!).

HOUSE – clean back steps, side porch, front porch, my room and laundry room. Spend at least 15 minutes decluttering my living room.

PAPER – self explanatory! (Essentially! – actually my goal is to not be buried beneath it!)

SEWING – two-fold – take stock of what I need for summer – and scrounge what I can sew up for that. Finish that mini-quilt, work on project for tomorrow’s class (hopefully up through remaining Block A sewing today ’cause tomorrow I want to work on Sewing Block B and sewing the blocks together).

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