Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On the schedule for today.......... It's all about Trips!!!!

Trip to the Vet - and I have the scratches to prove it!

Trip to the Gym (and I keep putting off the moment! - I'm allergic to exercise which is why I joined a gym!)
Hmmmm - I need to remember - take picture - KEEP eyes OPEN!!!!

 Trip to Wallyworld - for some new jogging pants.  I had thought of 2nds but not only does it seem that there is seldom if ever any new thing in terms of slacks - but everyone is wearing the same size I do!
Still haven't learned - KEEP THE EYES OPEN!!!!

Trip to the beauty salon to see if there is anything we can do to my hair - other than shave it all off and start over!
It's a GREAT haircut!  Had hair not only cut but hair is now essentially ONE color (woohoo!), my brows are defined and I have pretty pink nails!  Yeehaw

Oh yeah - hint here - EYES OPEN!!!!!

Trip to the library to return the books I promised I would have back last Monday

I did the store last night (it was either that or clean house - store won!)
This is for Tofu Parmegiana!  which was what I was going to fix last night only didn't!
Trip to my sewing room - where I plan on remaining for most of the rest of the day!

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