Sunday, November 28, 2010

And more to add-on......

ok - add-on's here.....

Son really REALLY wants to get the kitchen remodeled this January - was supposed to happen in December - but funding just plain not there. Since I find myself now in the over committed state of having committed that money 3 times over so far - it should be interesting.....

At any rate - with us doing the major part of the remodeling (excluding what Denis and his team do while hacking up the place)it shouldn't be too bad - hopefully!

Also have some definite whether or not and regardless plans for spending quite a bit of money - which now entails me getting off my duff and earning extra! Not sure how this will work. - HAD envisioned teaching piano to earn extra - however piano's and plaster dust demolition does NOT work out well! Still - should be able to do that come April - however - the timing is really loused up (as in - when isn't it!!!!)

Also have tentative plans to get my sw license re-issued - this will involve me taking the blasted tests all over again - and they are TOUGH!!! Son wants me to go on and work on my Master's - mmmm - probably not at this time - although it depends..

At work - I have been working in a different department - we won't discuss the many ways I've discovered to mess up! Fortunately I'm still in learning stats when in that department! (TG!!!!) Also - have some ideas for our team to work on - don't know if it will work or not - but certainly worth a try!

Oh yeah - I joined the (don't laugh! you CAN commiserate however....) Lemon team for the Biggest Loser in the Winter Meltdown 2010. Not sure how many are on the team - however - am very interested in keeping me accountable for my actions (and for what I eat!) We officially begin December 1. Am EXCITED!!!! I outlined my goals, will have MY info automatically go to Facebook (not sure I want to do THAT part though!), told my dd, was too chicken to tell my son, set up my rewards (a very pretty fabric to turn into a lovely vest to go with a top I already have!) My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week, exercise 6 days a week (3 strength, 3 sorta cardio - I'm including remodeling and intense housework on this), NOT eat out (and THAT one is the tough one!), drink 8 glasses water daily, and take one med at ugly hours of 3 and 4 AM - and the rest later! (that one is a thyroid med)

All I can say with all I have outlined is... ummmmm - pray!

1 comment:

woolywoman said...

how about piano camp for school vacation? A daily lesson, a craft, individual practice time ( familys don't have to own a piano) and the little darlings put on a brief performance at the end of the week. lots of people have to scramble for daycare during vacation, and this might get you some students who want to follow up.
