Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July UFO

I already showed a picture of this on the design wall - however.....  I'm pleased - got a LOT done on this - which had an unbelievable amount of HSTs - and which had been sitting on my shelves for almost 7 years - because of the unbelievable amount of HSTs.

Between doing Leaders-Enders (to use Bonnie Hunter's term) and a new ruler that DOESN'T SLIDE (Thank you thank you thank you!!!!) - I am ALMOST (not quite) done with the HST's (the small ones - still have most of large ones to do)  AND I have foursies done already!

Plans are to continue working on this throughout August (but of course - I DO have my August project to work on :P ) and, who knows, I may actually finish it!  Wahoo!

1 comment:

Quilter Kathy said...

Making progress and that's the important thing!
