Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The ANTS who came to a picnic......

This is something I've been talking about for a while - and have waffled about back and forth quite a bit.  Actually - this is part of a children's book I'm writing (part of a series) and may have merit - or it may get buried so deeply that NO ONE will know any more about it.  And it takes time.

As for the quilt part - that's kind of a picture project part of it.  Which is one of MANY reasons I haven't shown any pictures.

Re the pictures - they are going SLOWLY.  VERY slowly - just about like the story - and then it has to go through editing - or re-write and all.  I think it will be cute.  Hopefully.  Mostly I hope it will appeal to little littles - or maybe even not so little littles! (Heck - I have another story I have to work on re-write that both my dd and I fell in love with one of the characters!)  Anyway - we'll see!

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