Friday, October 24, 2014

Yup! It's Friday - and boy! do I have news!!!! 10-24-14

I have a new name!!!!

It's Granny!

Yup!  My son Nathan and his lovely bride had a gorgeous baby boy who was 7 lbs 5 oz at birth!  All are doing great!  Lynn definitely deserves accolades for maintaining good humor throughout her prolonged labor - which lasted from 346 AM Saturday through Wednesday at 1 when they decided that she truly needed to have a C-section.  And grandson was born at just about 346 Wednesday AM with Nathan in the room and holding baby Evan.

Our new Koenig family member's name is Evan Eugene Wilson Koenig, which is a lovely name. Eugene is for Lynn's grampa and Wilson is for Nathan's grampa.  Everyone came through the birth in great shape and I am so relieved.  Love all dearly.

Now for pix - some of which I have and one of which is SOMEWHERE out there in cyber space!

Evan - finally getting his zzzzz's in!
Kept his mommy and daddy up all night, he did!

Nathan catching up on some sleep!

A sweet precious little boy!!!
Evan Eugene Wilson Koenig
I was going to post yesterday - but - true to form, caught a nasty allergy - or a cold - STILL not sure which so spent the day in bed and still at home today.  Did NOT visit hospital during this time esp with that ENT thingy going around.  While I probably have my usual allergy to the onset of late fall and winter, I do NOT want to take chances with Evan's health - or Lynn or Nathan's either, ftm!  So frustrating!!!

Sherri - Lynn's mom - will be visiting them today which is great and that will give her some strong baby bonding time.  I'm looking forward to some of the same once my body decides to get over or past this mess of sneezes, etc.

Funny story - we have all been giving my sister Karen a VERY hard time, teasing her that she would have to share the month of Oct. for a birthday month with her grand-nephew.  In retaliation she had said that she would be delighted if he were born on her birthday.  guess what!  He was!  LOL!!! And she's delighted!!!
Wonder if they will celebrate part of their birthday together??? I envision chocolate ice cream sodas in the future!!!!

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