Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And..... once again it is THURSDAY!!!!

Aaargh!  What is that old saw about the best laid plans of mice and men???  Oh well, then too - I'm WOMAN - not man! so why should yesterday be such a surprise to me?  Nice though it was!

I got a call 20 minutes before starting time (I was in my PJs, no lunch packed!) to please come in and substitute.  I did - and ended with several groups of 6th graders and 1 group of 8th graders.  

As per usual - the planned lesson plans lasted only about 20 minutes of the hour - Sooooooooooo   - we played games - sorta!  Games were based on the movie that the kids saw (all saw movie - 6th graders saw one of them and 8th graders saw a different one - and had a test!) - and based on either charades (fairly successful - first group), what's wrong with this picture (6th graders divided into groups and one group presented - not as successful) to ME presenting (yup - that was the fun ones! 

The food safety group - all the kids were engaged - and we all had fun while I (in my guise as super mess-up) walked through my day messing up as much as I could - kids told me what was wrong - we did get a bit loud though - when another teacher poked her head in the door and thought the kids were acting out (they weren't - I was in the poor me while contaminating everything in sight) - which I explained what we were doing and apologized for the noise, etc.  

The last group - we did a similar thing - only with Fast food choices - what would have been better? with me doing a grab and go skit of visiting McD, Burger K., or W's - this one was not as successful - but was fun, nontheless.!

Of course - after talking about food choices and Angus burgers (with fried onions) and hot caramel mochas and diet coke - and all the caffeine/sugar/salt/fat/chloresterol and on and on.... when school was over - I was starving!  

So I stopped at McD and got a Big Mac and hot caramel mocha with a large root beer on the side.  Makes sense, no????

Then I came home, collapsed on the bed and slept a solid 3 hours!  LOL  Needless to say - I did NOT get a lot done otherwise!  

On the picnic tablecloth front - I put out a "how do you thread it" question to a group of folks - and WOW did I get a lot of answers!  I guess I wasn't the only person out there who had problems threading a needle with yarn!  

On reconsideration though I DO think I will probably tie the tablecloth with embroidery floss rather than yarn - still would love to quilt some patterns on there - but tieing doesn't mean that I can't quilt later - when I know how!

HOUSE (15 minutes at a time!)  4 x 15. - I just picked up, put away - and said - NO - maybe on Friday!
  • Peggy's picnic tablecloth - "gifted" to me by a friend.
    Needs tieing, binding.

FMQ foot sampler - practice, practice, practice
GARDEN (15 minutes at a time!) 4 x 15 (I've been spending entirely too long outside!)
  • This didn't happen either!!!!

STUDIES (15 minutes at a time!)  This will be a "Jump in where I am!"  No catchups allowed - UNTIL Sunday - which is alloted for that! 

During test/quiz time and the movie (there are only so many times you can see a movie!!!!) as well as during my prep time I studied and took notes on Botany - plant evolution.  This is part of my self-designed course of learning

Walking Foot Sampler -
the OTHER practice, practice, practice!


Baby Quilt #2 -
finish B2B quilt, then quilt borders, binding
MENU - Thursday
 done B: homemade Granola
  done L: Shells and cheese with green peas
 done D: Turkey loaf, rice, Green beans - rehydrated - onions and butter.  Jello????

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