Sunday, April 25, 2010

Helen's do-list (my "take" on Cindy's do-list)

Hmmm - seems to me that I had joined Cindy in her March Madness some time ago. But then it is no longer March and I'm NOT going to comment on the Madness part - save that it appears that April frenzy is finally calming down! TG!

Sooooooo - thought I would pick up again on the March Madness (Cindy's theme) and for this last week - and possibly through May (May Meanderings????) I would continue it.

Idea is that this is sort of a scavenger hunt - and I need to post the pix of whatever it is I see (provided my cable for my camera appears within the next century!)

1) Shop at home (credit/debit cards on vacation - YAY!)
2) Eat healthy (I'm sure there is a fancier way to say this - however........) and BE healthy (exercise) ( for each)
3) "Flylady" cleaning
4) Quilt for 30 or garden for 30 or whatever - I can choose here - whether it is something I procrastinate on (I procrastinate quite well) or is a new challenge. Theoretically something different every day.
5) Grateful 3
Cindy's list was for a month. I think I lasted 3 days on the month part. I'm working on a week for now - and then we'll see. Plus as per my dd suggestion I pared it down (from 8 - 9 items) to 5.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You aren't lasting long, I think, because your list is too long. Scale back.

