I just love it when the garden starts "hatching" - it is such a miracle to me! Never ceases to get me really excited about gardening! At any rate - my cucumbers are coming up, so are my potatoes, beans, squash.
On another note - I had to transplant (at this late date) both the apple and pear tree - knowing that they might not do well with the transplant - but also knowing that they would probably not survive the summer in the "heeled in" "temporary" place I had shallow dug for them last year (temporary - we were doing house remodeling - and it was supposed to be done in July - only finished THAT segment this past March!) The pear tree looked fantastic - a little wilty around the edges - but basically fantastic. The apple - oh my! courtesy of it lying mostly sideways it had root sprouts here there and everywhere - and it has had a really rough go around.
Last night we had a humdinger of a thunder lightening storm - I just went out a few minutes ago - apple tree still hanging in there - looks sad as all get out - but it is alive. The pear tree has gone from having many leave to NO leaves save one - and this seriously overnight. (green leaves all over the ground) - and does NOT look good. Hopefully it will survive. Hopefully.
On another note - (lots of notes!) I had expected son to show up today (he was going to try to - and I wanted to ask him to help me put up the bean fencing). Among other things - he had lots of mail to pick up. So I called - gave him suggestions - among which was that I go there and take his mail to him. Guess which option he chose!
But then I get hamburgers from the grill out of that!
SUPPOSEDLY I am cleaning house. Uh huh! SUPPOSEDLY when not cleaning I am sewing. Uh huh! Does this tell you I am the queen of procrastinators? Oh boy - and how!
1 comment:
You're so cute!!! I love this story of the apple tree and my brother's mail.
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