Sunday, July 05, 2015

Menues for Week 27 - 07-05-15

My menues for this week (and probably the next few months) are from - which is a FREE site that includes foods, exercises, community, emotional support for weight loss.  I do like this site - and am choosing to use their menues, instead of plugging in other foods that I choose - which is also possible.

B:Grapefruit or other fruit in season, toast with cream cheese (I use neufchatel), tea
L:Asian Chicken Salad with Whole-Wheat crackers; tomato slices with cottage cheese; fruit cocktail
D:Brown rice with Chopped Broccoli and Almonds; Applesauce; Milk
S:Peanut butter and celery; herbal tea

B:Peanut butter toast, orange juice; yogurt
L:strawberry yogurt, salad with strawberries and walnuts, crackers
D:garlic Ginger Rice with Almonds; green beans; blueberries, milk
S:Peanut butter and celery; herbal tea

B:Flake cereal (Kashi?), milk, banana, tea
L:Strawberry yogurt; salad with strawberries and walnuts; crackers
D:vegetarian spaghetti with lentil sauce, cantaloupe
S:turkey breast with salad

B:Cheerios (try Kashi warm Cinnamon O's), blueberries, tea
L:Asian Chicken Salad with whole wheat crackers, tomato slices with cottage cheese, fruit cocktail
D:Chicken Marsala atop whole wheat spaghetti, broccoli, cottage cheese topped pineapple, herbal tea
S:Celery with peanut butter (they say cashew butter - which I don't have!)

B:Flake cereal, milk, banana, tea
L:Broiled tilapia Parmesan, wild rice, salad, oranges or other fruit, milk
D:Ground turkey burger, tomato slices, topped with cottage cheese, apple, tea
S:Grilled chicken salad

B:Warm Cinnamon O's (Kashi), blueberries, tea
L:Baked sweet potato topped with black beans, brown rice, sour cream and salsa, tangerine or other fruit,  milk
D:Skillet white beans and tomatoes over spaghetti with Parmesan cheese, fruit cocktail
S:Salad greens with cranberry vinaigrette and almonds, tea

B:Shredded Wheat with Blueberries, coffee
L:Salmon salad, Greek Yogurt with Berries, wheat roll
D:Salmon, Brown Rice, Mixed Vegetable, Pineapple topped with cottage cheese, decaf coffee
S:Turkey Breast with salad

All of this is adjustable!

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