Monday, April 16, 2012

Garden report - 04-15-12

GREENHOUSE - FINALLY all the coles are popping up and GROWING!!!  So are the onions!  OK - I planted late - by about 3 weeks! :(    Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos aren't up YET - but I do have hopes!!!!

PEAS/BEANS BEDS - Most of the peas are in (also several weeks late!)

SALAD AND POTATO/ROOT CROP BEDS - Am running so behind that I decided to finish making up the lasagne beds for these 2 - then flat gardening - with added in leaves - tilled, I hope - definitely NOT lasagne style - for the salads, nor for the potatoes and root crops. 

CORN/SQUASH AND TOMATO/EGGPLANT/SWEET PEPPER/TOMATILLO BEDS - However when I get to these - I SHOULD have time enough before they are ready for planting to get these 2 rows of beds set up!

Then this fall after everything is done for the year - I'll finish up at least the Salad section - and do the Potato/root crop section either then or the following spring.

HERBS - most of what I want to do here is done!

PERRENIALS/STRAWBERRIES - this is as done as it gets - unless I want to lose a bunch of plants in the process!  Strawberry plants doing ok - not as prolific as I would like to see - but give it another year and I think I'll be considering another bed.  Horseradish is in its own square - and honestly I only want the one main plant - considering the number of rootlets it puts out every year!  Asparagus - hmmm - what there is looks great - BUT we are talking about less than a 25% survival rate - so I am considering moving the asparagus bed over to the orchard area.  Mind you, I'm only CONSIDERING it!  Maybe I'll just start one all over there!  Rhubarb SHOULD be coming out my ears.  It isn't - too shady and the soil makes a BIG difference - this will DEFINITELY get moved! 

ORCHARD - I added 3 new trees this year and 1 bush arrived - so current count here is.... 2 apple (one probably will have to be replaced - just hasn't taken well to transplanting from being heeled in entirely too long to its new place.), 1 peach, 1 cherry (North Star), 1 pear.  I still want to get plums but both the garden catalog was out and so was my money for this!  :/ 

BERRY PATCH - this is still in transition - I HAVE lots of raspberries - stuck (heeled in) in the middle of my potato patch - and they gotta get moved!  Question is - before or AFTER they bear raspberries.  Each possibility has it's positives!  And yes - I may pull a switcheroo - probably be a good idea anyway - planting the potatoes where the raspberries are going - and letting the raspberries do their thing this spring where the potatoes are.  This is NOT a permanent arrangement - and if I say that often enough I may actually believe it!

This is where the Asparagus and the Rhubarb patch will be re-located (which leaves the question - what to put where the asparagus and rhubarb currently are and from where they will be re-located - hmmmmm)

CHICKEN PATCH - oh, I sure wish!!!!!  Not this year anyway - but will start doing some discussion with the city re hens only.

Of course there will NOT be a GOAT PATCH nor a CALF PATCH - although I sure wish!  And although I THINK there is enough room - there really won't be a WHEAT patch either - although the section on the other side of the fruit trees MIGHT work.  Oh well - can't have everything!

EQUIPMENT ADDED: son brought over his wheelbarrow - sure helps my VERY ouch back in hauling compost from the current position to where I need it.  This too will get moved to the top of my side of the driveway.  And a leaf bin (hardware cloth) will be added.  Son is starting to get into the act big time - it's funny!

Oh yeah - current count of the garden shovels/spades - 5!!!  LOL

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