Question is - what makes a QUILTING movie - at least in MY book?
I don't want something sweet and loving - because then I watch the movie and forget to sew.
Something that is scary frankly upsets me so much I CAN'T sew!
Something very sad and I cry over whatever it is I am sewing.
something funny - and I have to keep jumping up and making potty trips! Or else I get the giggles and wipe out whatever it is I am sewing.
So I watch movies like Eraser, Running Man, Total Recall, - something on that order.
Now IRONING is an altogether different story - and I REALLY like funny movies then. To that end I have Queen Latifah in The Last Holiday. And so I am planning SOMETIME this weekend to have a major ironing session!
I can't watch a movie and sew. What works best for me is listening to books on tape. My local library has a great selection, plus I find them at garage sales and thrift stores.
I like books on tape too - BUT sometimes when my hearing goes on the fritz (allergy season - ALL allergy seasons!) I need visual cues! Do like books on tape though for sure!
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