Monday, July 15, 2013

List of things to accomplish - hopefully this week....Week 28

This is Button!
One of two I adopted from a local shelter.
They were just minutes old when discovered beside Momma who had been killed by a passing car.
Especially if I'm superwoman!!!  I know that just posting this and hoping for me to pace myself won't work beyond the first day - still - it hopefully will help me to maintain focus.  Because I want to focus on what I DID get done - and NOT on what I DIDN'T get done - at the end of the day or week - whatever - after I copy paste to a new day and fix that - I delete all the DIDN'T and keep the DID!  Trust me on this - I need the positivities!

I DO think I will have to be superwoman - because this sure is an impossible list!!!!  So - maybe SOME of this list will be done THIS week - and then SOME probably over the next year! LOL

Besides - I could ALWAYS say - today I'm going to Garden (GH1d, GP2, etc.) - House - 2:K1 etc.   Think that will work???  NAH!

OR I could copy paste - which is what I could do if I'm going to do the WAIWO thing (what am I working on) - which is sort of redundant!  OR I COULD go with what I have on this page - and just write a list SEPARATELY on (gasp!) paper - and go from there - then post ONLY what I HAVE done.  Which offers more possibilities.

Or I could just forget the entire thing!  Which might not be a bad idea!

Unfortunately that would give me a really good excuse to just ..... drift! .... and not really get anything done!

I AM doing things - truly a lot of them - and have made quite a bit of progress (for me, at any rate)- just not the amount I had hoped for!  Which is why I am/need to shake things up a bit!  Hence this post!

When Nathan and Lynn move - all else stops - and I help out!


  1. DONE Harvesting - 
    1. Daily picking raspberries - they aren't as tangy this year - sort of "washy" - all the rains????  Also harvesting herbs - maybe 2 plotches a day
    2. Odd even day picking either peas (mostly pea pods at this point), cucumbers
    3. Or even odd day picking of green beans, possibly squash
  2. DONE Transplanting - 
    1. either cool of evening (preferable - and with major splash of water to cool them down overnight!) the coles for fall/winter harvest
  3. DONE Planting - 
    1. DONE STILL need to plant those flowers - or the money I spent will be GONE GONE GONE!
    2. Definitely root crops - am at tail end of fall planting for these in this area I think - beets, carrots, turnips, kohlrabi, maybe even rutabaga.  Also supposedly (don't believe it!) parsnips - which is wierd because NO ONE advises planting salsify this late - yet the "days" for salsify is almost same as for parsnips - PLUS they both like the same temperature/climate/seasons!  So - IF I have any salsify seed left - will plant that - and woe betide any energetic birds - esp. pigeons!! (always did love squab pie!!)
    3. Tail end for planting any of cole family as well - plant where short peas croaked!
    4. Considering planting greens or salad stuff - esp in area where peas were - or at the back end of the squash area
      1. Okra is GROWING and more has come up!  I suspect it won't make it this year!  And okra is ONE of several reasons I am having not only some limbs removed - but also considering having major loads of manure/topsoil brought in.  DEFINITELY need soil tests to be done - esp. pH levels - may be too acid for okra.
    5. WORD for the wise - stay AWAY from the corn - it's pollinating - and I truly do NOT like wheezing!
  1. Freeze
    1. DONE Peapods
    2. DONE Raspberries
  2. Dehydrate
  3. Make
    1. Bread -
      1. DONE wwheat.  
      2. DONE Challah on Friday
    2. Soups - 
      1. DONE chicken soup - skim.  Fat goes in one container for cooking.  Soup - freeze broth - 2 cup amounts
      2. DONE chicken veggie soup - make a THICK soup
    3. DONE Salad - for tomorrow - chicken?????  
    4. DONE Grind wheat
  1. Religion - each day's readings/mini books
    1. Read 40 Things, ch. 9(DONE) ; this is My God, p. 57-69 DONE
    2. Song we sing - 44, 60 DONE ; 8, 19, 20 DONE ; 45, 47, 61 DONE
  2. Math - 1 lesson per day
  3. Russian - 
    1. DONE Finish up lesson 14 - going over rest of chapter's Russenglish!
  4. Creative Writing - each day's lesson
    1. DONE Lesson 10, Day 1
  5. Social Studies - hold this week
  6. Science - hold this week

  1. DONE Stash Report
  2. DONE Design Wall
  3. NEW quilt - Summer Breeze **
    1. DONE Get fabrics together
    2. DONE slice and dice
    3. working on it Sew up flimsy


Dayquilt said...

I'm very curious about the "design more ants"!!

Helen said...

LOL re the more ants - NOT posting those until they are done! Depending on whether or not I like them, I may copyright my drawings! Hopefully will be cute - at least am planning that!
