Friday, January 03, 2014

Quarterly Challenge Reports!

Lynn,  my dil, made this for me!  Isn't it pretty????

For the most part, the house is kept up to date.  Sometimes it gets behind a little - but gets caught up.

Will be back in remodel mode this summer however - ugh!

Foods harvested for the year.  Currently this is what it looks like out there....
The Garden - Winter 2014
Currently working on seed/inventory - making lists and checking them twice - or even a half a dozen times!  Will be starting onions this week and greenhouse seeds by the end of the month, first of next month - so need to make sure I've got all my supplies!

Uhmmm - am behind!  WAY behind where I thought I would be last January - but then I took the summer off - and have had all too frequent sit-down strikes this fall!  Still - am progressing - slowly - but progressing.

I will be finished with the Algebra 1/2 book this month.  SHOULD be done with the Writing Strands level 3 book this week - BUT considering how much I've NOT done - it will probably be next week!  Re the Earth course I'm doing - am finished or will be by Monday - with the Beginning of It all - and will move seriously into the Pre-Cambrian unit.  Which means I am still seriously behind where I thought I would be last January!  Russian is still progressing - slowly - and I'm already reviewing as much as possible.  I slowed down the pace a LOT - for the most part to one lesson a week - which means this course will take 2 years!

And then there is Botany!  What I thought would be an easy course!  OK - I can get up now off the floor - laughter is over!  For the moment!  Because I'm floating between 2 books - one at high school level with one at college level (senior college level at that!) and correlating what I can with the 2 books - things get a bit strange at times with this course!  Still I am progressing - BUT have come to a standstill more times than I really care to count!  I need to focus on this one more!

Art I am hoping to add this quarter - but still have to order the book - should be quite good though - hopefully!  Same for music!  I would really rather have my piano back - but will do voice instead I think - and do need some discs on some techniques - so this is still on the very hopeful list!
Religion - uhmmm - I am definitely behind where I should be - BUT am progressing anyway! I'm using 5-7 books depending on which holiday I'm studying!  Once I've rotated through the holidays - then I will be discussing daily living.

Should be interesting to see what this Winter quarter brings (Jan - March)

Some finishes, some near flimsy finishes - and DEFINITELY not where either I THOUGHT I would be nor where I WANTED to be!  

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