Tuesday, February 05, 2013

And Wha'cha Readin' NOW????

Malibu Nights: a novel by Elizabeth Adler Thoroughly enjoyed this!  Although I did NOT enjoy where someone had gouged the library disc.

Romance mysteries (the QUICK reads!)
These I - uh - sidetracked on!  Just got these last week at the library - and already have read them!
Under the Gun
Daddy Bombshell
Lawman Lover (OUTLAWS)
The Vanishing

The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir

Audio: Three audio books(hey - they count!) -
The White Horse Child by Greg Bear
Cell One by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
(Both of these I can play on my TV - audio only and they unfortunately don'T work on my CD player!)
Summer in Tuscany by Elizabeth Adler This is the one I'm currently playing on my CD player

Young adult fantasy
The Circle Opens: Street Magic by Tamora Pierce  I've read this a gazillion times - and still have times when I just want to feel caught up in the book!

Romance (These are QUICK reads - I usually go through one a night)
Still to read -
Katherine's Marriage - DE Stevenson - have read this several times - love her books  ALMOST done
The Empty World - DE Stevenson - This is the first time I've read this - not sure I like it!

Romance Mystery (QUICK reads)
The Secret of Cypriere Bayou
Bayou Bodyguard

Science Fiction
Winter Witch by Elaine Cunningham

Other books
The Zenith by Duong Thu Huong I really like this book - at least so far!  This is a novel that describes the consequences of the Vietnam War through a few families and their stories.  It's quite good!

The Spoiler: a novel by Annalena McAfee So far quite good!  It isn't exactly my usual cup of tea - but I do like it!  A novel covering "every major theater of war in the 20th century" as written about, discussed, which was published by a newsroom "Marlene Dietrich" and confronted by an expose from a "bright young thing" out to make a name for herself.

The Heat of the Sun by David Rain  The Scope here is from 1920s to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Again - I really like it - at least so far

Other Genre:
Havah (Temporarily on hold)
He Who Lifts the Skies (also temporarily on hold)
Encyclopedia of Country Living -by Carla Emery - love this!  Re-read another section in the Garden Vegetables Unit  Wah!  I wanna live in the country!!!!

Scraps and Shirttails
Scraps and Shirttails II
String Fling
Definitely have 2 quilts "in progress" from String fling now - and sure want to do a bunch of others!

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